Monday 27 December 2010

It's Mine!

Just met my neighbour out with her dog.  They took Alfie on a private rehome and have had him for a few months now.  He started chewing a Christmas present which was taken from him quickly resulting in him biting! Neighbour worried she now has an aggressive dog.  Problem with private rehome is they have no background on the dog, no assessment done before he was rehomed and no back-up when things go wrong.  

So we discussed what had happened, what he is usually like and what to do in the future.  They are not going to put in loads of training so management of the situation is key here.  We'll see how they go over the next few weeks.

Saturday 18 December 2010

A Newbie!

Well, I've finally made it.  Been looking at creating my own blog over the last few weeks since being bitten by the bug when asked to write a guest blog for . So here I am to hopefully share, inform, interest, excite, amuse and sometimes just downright bore you! 

The blog is named after my middle Spaniel Hector and just because I like the title. I have 3 Spaniels, Callum and Hector, working Springers and Maisie a little Cocker.  Not forgetting the cat Daphne (named after character in Frasier). I also have a long-suffering husband without whom I could not live the life I do as he picks up all the pieces I leave in my wake!