Sunday, 23 October 2011

Another Training Day!

We had a fantastic days working trials training day today. We had 8 dogs - 2 Labs, GSP, 2 Clumbers, Springer, Cocker, Collie and all did really well.  It's amazing how little confidence owners have in their dogs!  Most of them said their dog wouldn't be able to do one or other of the exercises and to their surprise their dog was great!

Here's Twig doing the clear jump

And a lovely photo of Fudge

They all enjoyed it so much we are now having a monthly class!

Thanks to Liz for the photos.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

My Little Therapet

Very proud of Callum tonight.  He passed his test to be a Therapet.  We will be the very first Therapet visitors at the new local hospital.  He was a very well mannered little man and the Assessor was full of praise for him.

Just got to get all the paperwork sorted and we can start.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Take Three Dogs.......

and do some clicker training and see varying results.  Did some clicker training with all three dogs at the weekend.  First up was Hector who started off well but then decided that he would just sit and stare at me to see if that would get him what he wanted! We moved on though and got some nice behaviours offered in the end. 

Maisie was next and what a little show-off, just offered one behaviour after another and we really made progress on her barking. 

Then it was Callum's turn.  He was hilarious! Started off with standard stuff then glided into backing up, rolling over and on and on it went all the time with that serious little face of his - made me laugh out loud!

An enjoyable hour though and we all had some fun.